Donglami is a round shape in Korean and means generosity, eternity and infinity that embraces everything to me. Different shapes of donglami are connected with buttons using irregular sewing lines. The button performs the function of uniting my inner and individual worlds into one. The buttons carry out a special patchwork that carefully connects the soft fibers and at the same time carefully separates them. Through the magic of buttons, I can simultaneously bind my unforeseen true worlds of unpredictability. Buttons co-exist with discordant notes to create dissonances or connect discontinuous scenes like montages.
I wrap the cold and solid wire with warm and soft yarn and connect its starting and ending points together. When I bend the donglami, it becomes a soft and hard circle according to my touch, and it becomes a distorted but different round shape.
A geometric unit made of fibers symbolizes an atypical world without scripts in that it has a softly torn property. This fiber world becomes my inner potential space hidden in geometry. My inner spaces without rules are innumerable, incongruous, fragmented and floating. The respective fiber units are my inner little worlds, and through their connection they shape my inner side that atypically contracts and expands. I hope that the small, soft debris of the fibers will be bound together in an atypical style to reveal an inner space that is amorphous, capable of writhing, sliding and infinitely multiplying.